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         To Contribute to Realize "Beauty and Health"

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    医療の著しい進歩や生活環境(ライフスタイル)の改善により長寿社会となった今日、長生きするだけでなく「生活の質」あるいは「人生の質」(QOL:Quality of Life)を高めることが求められている。健康であることは勿論のこと、とりわけ若々しく美しく見えることが、人をより前向きにさせる重要な要素である。近年、見かけ年齢が実年齢より下回ることと健康であること(機能的に「肌を含む身体の生理的年齢」が実年齢よりも下回ること)が関連しているらしいとの報告はあるが、まだ十分に科学的に立証されていない。


   Due to remarkable advances in the medical and health fields as well as improvement in the social environment and lifestyle habits, we have now entered the age of longevity, and demand a high quality of life (QOL) with a healthy long life.  In addition to having a sound body and mind, another important factor for a person’s well-being is to appear younger and more attractive than one actually. Recently, it has been reported that younger perceived age or estimated age is related to maintain physiological functions of one’s entire body including one’s skin, at levels higher than those of other people of the same age, however it remains obscure scientifically.

   We aim to contribute to achieve “ Beauty and Health” by elucidating scientifically the relationship between changes in conditions of systemic health such as aging, lifestyle-related diseases, chronic inflammation, and senescence, and functional alterations of the skin. In addition, we propose new values of cosmetic and food ingredients by estimating function, safety, and social significance such as QOL improvement and preventive medicine in a viewpoint of skin science.

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